divendres, 16 d’abril del 2010

Deserter's Songs

You were a walking civil war. Holes, dug by little moles, angry jealous spies. If the armies of her soul, take you by surprise and flee leaving you again endlessly. "I'm alive", she cried, "but I don't know what it means". There's a river running dry because of you and me. And of all the happy ends I wouldn't wish this on a friend. Slidin' away in washed out delta sun. Into a dream, i took a turn, and promised to return.

Vaja, que cada cop que recupero el Deserter's Songs de Mercury Rev penso que és un dels discs més ben parits de la dècada passada. Ningú pot culpar-los per la Times New Roman i aquesta terrible portada tenint un ús del theremin, un Opus 40 i una Goddess On a Hiway que, de tant immensos, rebenten el seu més que evident mal gust gràfic.

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jo et proposo un blues... ja em diràs què et sembla